Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First Roses of 2011

If you don't know it already, I am a rose fiend.  I love the gorgeous blooms of them and I fought long and hard to keep my noisette but, alas, it must be done in.  It sits in the garden like a big lump.  It is either food or rose...I think food wins.  So, I will be taking a cutting of my lovely rose and hopefully, it will be living a nice life with my sister, Melinda.  She wants it. 

So, for your girls have bloomed and these are the first blooms of the season. 

Top two photos are my damask rose...smells heavenly.  Then we have Mr. Lincoln, a hybrid tea that always performs well and last is the China Rose.  It smells like a banana crossed with a rose, very sweet.  All of my roses were planted for scent as well as beauty.  :)