Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Roses and Barney

Here are some of the roses in my back yard along with Barney, my barrel cactus.  Barney has been with me since I was 18 years old.  He was a little bit of thing when I first spotted him.  I brought him home and cared for him.  Now, I have a big barrel cactus.  One year he was burned from frost so, I bring him under the porch during the winter to keep him healthy.  Barney is a bitch to repot.  It takes welding gloves to repot him and that even hurts.  He will be needing a bigger pot soon but, the thought of having to repot him...it gives me the heebie jeebies. 

The roses in the back yard include the Variegata di Bologna, the pink one at the top, my Mr. Lincoln and a red floribunda cutting that my sister gave me.  It is gorgeous.  Her parent rose, died.  This rose blooms like crazy once a year and then I get nothing else out of it.  I try to take as many pictures of it as I can when it is bloom mode. 

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