Monday, June 13, 2016

Knitter in Limbo

I have to admit, I haven't picked up a pair of knitting needles in ages, the only time I did pick them up was to knit my oldest sister a pair of socks and that was some time ago.  I did try to knit my niece some socks but, the yarn wasn't the color I liked so, I ripped them apart. Now I am trying to decide if I need to knit her socks right now or not.  I think I am going to paint her some yarn for her socks, I don't like what I have around here right now. 

I know the hubby is shaking his head have 4 roomfuls of yarn, you crazy woman!  Yes, I do but, it isn't right for what I want to knit.  As any knitter knows, this is a perfectly sane answer and our reasoning is sometimes skewed! 

I haven't even wanted to sew.  I am in limbo right now where crafting is concerned.  Then I discovered some new crafting ideas.  Yes, something bright and pretty has caught my eye, just trying to find the time and the money to craft these ideas, that is the big issue.  I haven't even beaded in ages. 

I want to make myself a dress to wear over my swimsuit, I have to cut the pattern out and get it ready for serging and sewing.  Hubby bought me a beginners serger for my birthday.  I am no way an expert on sewing since I am self taught but, I decided I wanted to try out a serger to see how it worked and how it will help me with my quilting.  No, I haven't had time to finish all of the ones I started.  I have a few left to finish. 

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