Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Keep Them Warm Campaign

I have finally found my charity knitting for the winter months and I am going to try and get other knitters to help me in my endeavor.  I am a DAR, or Daughter of the American Revolution and I am starting a charity knitting event for a particular school in Grant, Alabama.  This is a DAR school and what this means is that DAR funds it.  The ladies in DAR support it and other schools like it where a school was desperately needed.  Most of the kids in the schools come from poor families who are below the poverty line.  So, they are always in need of different items for the kids. 

This particular school is for kids from Kindergarten to 12th grade.  So, they are in need of a few items like coats, hats, mittens, and scarves.  They also accept clothing donations, shoes, etc.  My goal with the keep them warm campaign is to donate as many hats, scarves and mittens as I can knit or get knitters to donate to me for this school for their Christmas presents.  If you would love to participate in this with me, please comment and I will get back to you with my mailing address. 

Thank you to all in advance. 

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